Saturday, May 15, 2010

Parmesean Chicken Sandwiches

So do you remember the recipe I shared with you yesterday about the Cheddar Cheese French Bread? If not, click the link and remind yourself and then, finish reading this post.

Now, the rest of this recipe is all pre-made stuff. Yeah, I know, I can hear you now, but hey, we all have to cheat with our food sometimes right? Right? RIGHT? I knew you would see it my way!

Anyway, these delicious sandwiches (samwiches in my kneck of the woods) have fried chicken tenders, marinara sauce, and provolone cheese on top of this scrumptious french bread! It was divine heaveness eating these things!

Here's the recipe

Parmesean Chicken Sandwiches

Cheddar Cheese French bread
Fried Chicken tenders
Marinara Sauce
Provolone cheese slices


Cook tenders according to package directions. After they have cooked, slice open your french bread and place tenders on the inside. Slather them with marinara sauce and top with a slice of provolone cheese. Place under the broiler to toast the bread and melt the cheese.

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